Welcome to
Washington County, OHGenWeb

usgenweb logo Marietta Ohio tugboat and barge by Sandra Quinn 2005

Photo taken of a Marietta River Barge, a familiar site in Marietta, Ohio
 by Sandra Mitchell-Quinn

  Hi, my name is Sandra Quinnand I am your Washington County OHGenWeb county coordinator.  This site is a collaborated effort of many coordinators over the past 12 years in the free OHGenWeb project.  There is a great deal of contributed transcribed research about Washington county and its citizens on this site, literally hundreds of pages!  It is my hope that you will enjoy your time researching here!
  I would like to especially thank Allen Richmond and Jack Martin the previous site coordinators for their many years of hard work and dedication to this site! Also I would like to thank Lorinda LeClain who helped to keep the site maintained for two years.  If you have a record you would like to donate to the site please email me.  Please use this email regardless of any others online you may see on the pages for Washington county, OHGenWeb.  Thank you!  Remember we are volunteers and it may take time to place material on the site due to life circumstances.

Vital Records Courthouse Information
Contributed Marriage Records
Contributed Death Records
Washington county Vital Records at OHGen.net
Biographies & Family Charts Ahnentafel Charts
Family Sites
General History Articles and Stories

*New* - "Old Marietta Papers" column for years 1808-1843 (reprinted in the Marietta Register newspaper during 1863-1864)
*New* - Marietta Register newspaper transcriptions: 18 July 1862 to 28 March 1867
Obituaries and Notices Obituaries and Notices
Cemetery Transcriptions
Death Info
Miscellaneous Records Miscellaneous Records
 Bible Records
Church Records
Land Records
Pictures and Photographs
Military History
Maps Maps
Old Postcard Photos Penny Postcards coming soon
Research Resources Washington County Message Boards
Washington County Mailing List

Research Lookups and  Information
Old Queries
Washington County Chapter of OGS
Marietta Newspapers News and Sentinel.com
The Marietta Register
Marietta College Newspaper Library on Microfilm

Click for Marietta, Ohio Forecast

Washington county, OHGenWeb
  Sandra Mitchell-Quinn
copyright 2007-20012
Member of Daughters of the Revolutionary War, DAR
copyright 2005-2007
Sandra Quinn and
Lorinda LeClain
copyright 2003-2005 Allen Richmond
copyright 1996-2003 Jack Martin

All Rights Reserved
Parts of this site may be used in your own personal family files,
as long as this website and contributors are cited properly.